Periodontal Treatment Near You
Periodontal disease is a fancy term used to describe gum disease. Dealing with this particular condition is certainly not ideal, and that’s why, here at our local dental practice, we offer treatment to both new and returning patients who are showing symptoms or early signs of gum damage.
To learn more about receiving periodontal treatment near you, don’t hesitate to contact us today.

What is Gum Disease?
Poor oral hygiene and a build-up of bacteria are two common reasons why your gums may become infected. As a result, your gums can also become inflamed and start to bleed, which can be very painful. In more severe cases, your teeth may even become loose in their socket or fall out. Deterioration of your jawbone can also occur.
Fortunately, there are several measures you can take to prevent this condition from happening or progressing. This includes scheduling regular dental checkups and cleanings and brushing and flossing after each meal are two very simple, yet effective solutions.
Receiving Periodontal Treatment Near You
Your periodontal treatment in Mokena can be performed by either a general dentist or a periodontist, a dental professional who exclusively focuses on remedying issues pertaining to one’s gum and related tissues.
The first step in this process is receiving a thorough oral examination and having dental x-rays taken. These two things allow your dentist to better understand your unique situation as well as the degree of care that you need. Next, is the scaling process. This involves removing any lingering plaque and tartar from your teeth and gums.
Root planing takes place afterward. Root planing refers to smoothing out the roots of your teeth. This helps prevent inflammation due to bacteria amalgamating. It also allows your mouth to heal quicker.
Lastly, your dentist may prescribe antibiotics to help you control the infection. This medicine can come in the form of a mouthwash, a gel, or a pill. Always be sure to follow any instructions provided to you by your dentist.
In more extreme cases of periodontal disease, surgical approaches such as soft tissue or bone grafts may be needed.
If you’re unsure whether you require periodontal treatment near you, talk to your dentist. They’ll be happy to address any of your questions and concerns. They’ll also be able to guide you through the treatment from beginning to end so you don’t encounter any surprises. ‘
Are you looking to receive convenient periodontal treatment in Mokena? Call, come in, or visit our website to schedule a consultation. We look forward to working with you to get your oral health back on track!